Walk Away Standing

Because you WAS but now you ARE


Support We Provide


Inspiration of the Week

God is the " basic element" of our spiritual life and created every microscope detail in our body, has always known every intimate secret about each of us. Before you or I was a cell, He had established our individual purposes. - Marjorie Hodson Parker

Domestic Violence Hotline

1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224.

Challenge of the Week

Believe in the goodness that is inside of you! Your destiny is for kingdom purposes. Don't give up on yourself or your ability to do great things!! I know you will make it but do you believe?

Challenges are just opportunities in disguise.

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What We Provide


You Are Intended For God To Never Give Up

You Are Someone Valuable

You Have A Driven Purpose

You Have Promise

You Reach For The Stars

You Are A Strong Person

You Take One Step At A Time

You Are Important to God

You Are An Outstanding Individual

You Are A New Creation


Be stronger and know her self-worth through spiritual inspiration

Acquire knowledge through new ideas and self-exploration

Utilize intellectual, emotional, and spiritual resources to make positive choices

Believe in oneself to use talents to make a difference in the world

Have more confidence to take control and find purpose for one’s life

Walk Away Standing equips women to know they are powerful and can achieve any goal or dream!


Your support will be within yourself and your continued hope to BE.

Your destiny is greatness and God is with you!

The power to forgive takes time but you can do it!

Be aware of your strong desire to hold on to the hurt.

Each day decide that you are stepping on the next level up.

Remember, when you no longer can find your joy, your peace, it's time to Walk Away Standing!



Women Helped



Money raised



Briefcases Given



Hearts Healed


These are the first impressions of our Walk Away Standing Attachés.

Walk Away Standing is an organization that believes in the power of hope. Our mission is to help victims of domestic violence to regenerate love for themselves and to continue a positive journey to their destiny. Currently, we have an attaché case filled with resources, small prayer books, paper, calculator, business cards, pen and a “dear daughter letter” of encouragement.